India Post Office Whitefield       Landmark

      88, Borewell Rd, Palm Meadows, Dodsworth Layout, Whitefield, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560066, India

India Post Office, Whitefield is located at 88-269, Borewell Rd, Dodsworth Layout, Whitefield, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560066, India. It has a rating of 2.5 stars on Google Maps and is open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM from Monday to Saturday. Whitefield dak ghar offers all postal services like delivery of mail & parcels, money transfer, banking, insurance, and retail services. It also provides other services including passport applications, P.O. Box distribution, and other delivery services in Whitefield. The official website fo this PO is are classified into 3 types, namely – Head Post Office, Sub-Post Office including E.D. Sub-Office, and Branch Postoffice. Whitefield P.O. is a Sub Post Office. So far as the public is concerned, there is no difference in the character of the service rendered by Sub-Post Offices and Head-Post Offices except concerning a few Post Office Savings Bank (SB) transactions. Certain Sub Post Offices do not undertake all types of postal business. Facilities are generally provided at Branch Post Offices for the main items of postal work like delivery and dispatch of mail, booking of registered articles and parcels accepting SB deposits and effecting SB withdrawals, and issuing and payment of money orders, though in a restricted manner.

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