Madiwala       Area

      Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Madiwala is a locality in Bangalore, India. It is a bustling center of activity from grocery markets to IT to shopping mall. Being at the center of the IT corridor it is well known across Bangalore. Madivala is one of the city's bustling trade centres similar to Jalahalli at Peenya and DVG road at Basavanagudi and other similar places inhabited for the most part by middle class and upper middle class citizens. It is close to Koramangala, BTM Layout, HSR Layout, Mico Layout, Bannerghatta Road, Jayanagar and JP Nagar among other localities, each situated at a distance of less than five kilometres from Madivala. The City Railway Station at Majestic is eight Kilometres from Madivala. St. John's Medical College Hospital, a renowned missionary hospital, is at Madiwala. Nearby Restaurants: S.S Biryani Hotel Safa Tamarind Nearby Bus Stops: Madivala Police Station Stop Madiwala Market Bus Stop Nearby Train Stations: Rashtreeya Vidyalaya Road Metro Station

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