Mother Theresa BEd College       Education

      Outer Ring Rd, M S K Nagar, Yeswanthpur, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Mother Teresa B.Ed College is a private college located in Bangalore, Karnataka, India. It is affiliated to Bangalore University and offers a two-year Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) program. The college was established in 2006 and is managed by the Mother Teresa Educational Society.

Mother Teresa B.Ed College has a strong focus on teacher education. The college offers a variety of courses in teacher educationMother Teresa B.Ed College has a well-qualified and experienced faculty. The college has a state-of-the-art infrastructure with all the necessary facilities for students, including classrooms, laboratories, library, computer center, and sports complex.

Mother Teresa B.Ed College has a vibrant student life with a number of student clubs and associations. The college organizes a number of cultural and technical events throughout the year.

Mother Teresa B.Ed College graduates have a good track record of placements in leading schools and educational institutions. The college has a strong alumni network that helps students to get placed in good schools.

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